Is your home summer ready?

How your garden can boost your property’s value

If you’re looking to sell your property, you’ll want it to go for as much as possible. One element of the home that we often overlook when it comes to adding value is the garden. Well-kept gardens are sought after in most urban areas, and as house prices in South West London have continued to rise, they are becoming increasingly popular, with many Londoners wanting a space to relax, play with the kids, or develop their green thumb in. Today we're outlining our top tips for boosting your property’s value by improving your garden. 

Click here to read How your garden can boost your property’s value.

How to increase the likelihood of my property selling

The uncertainty in UK politics during the lead up to Brexit – like many political changes have in the past – has created a feeling of uneasiness in the property market. Some people are holding off ‘until after Brexit’ before they begin to look at properties to buy or put theirs on the market. Given the lifestyle changes that lead to people moving home they may not be in a position to take their time in selling a property. 
If you are hoping to sell but the current market is cold, here are our ten tips to improve your chances of attracting a buyer and making your property a more attractive investment.

Click here to read How to increase the likelihood of my property selling.

Inexpensive ways to upgrade your home

Generally speaking, when it comes to increasing the value of a property, the more space and facilities the property offers, the better.
Property condition, any required maintenance works and potential for future works are also considered when valuing a property. For example, room for construction work and any upgrades (perhaps even approved planning permission for such works) may add value and appeal as will completed maintenance works.

Click here to read Inexpensive ways to upgrade your home.